I just gotta say - living in this TENT rocks! I am walking and learning from and engaging with a God who knows me. He wants to know me more and wants me to seek him and know him. I used to be so hung up on where I was. Where I wasn't is more of what I was hung up on. Where I am is more important than where I think I need to be or where I know I am headed. Not to say that you shouldn't have goals and dreams, but that you can't base where you are today, right now, and how great your relationships with God is on where you know you should be! OK this sounded better in my head. What I am trying to say is this.. I realized that when I stopped comparing myself to everyone is see and what they are doing spiritually, it made my place with God clear to me. You see, the only way I can judge what others are doing with God is by what I can see. And what I can see has nothing to do with what God is doing on the inside of them. I know that all I do outwardly for God means nothing to him if what is in my heart is not lining up with whats on my face, whats in my hands, what comes out of my mouth....
Only I can know where I am with Him. And only I can sit in the my moment with Him and know that he sees my heart.
Where am I?
I am in an army. I am gearing up for battle. I am talking. I am walking. I am following.
The places I sit, stand, wait, rejoice.. aren't actual spots but more of moments.
I am in a moment. A moment with my heavenly father. Many moments. Always changing. Always in a moment.
It doesn't matter where I am. He is with me in every moment.
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